The members of the Cal Band have put together a collection of resources on the Black Lives Matter movement. Below is just a portion of the resources. We intend to dedicate this space to causes that the members of the Cal Band care about.
Primary Resource Links
- Juneteenth and Voting Rights Resource Sheet
- #Blacklivesmatter Resource Sheet
- Black Lives Matter Website
- Diego’s Helpful Resource, Typeform
Navigates avenues for contributing monetarily, non-monetarily, and through protesting. - Ways You Can Help: When You’re Done, Educate yourself
How to Contribute Monetary/Non-Monetary support
Free and informative way to donate without using your money! View this video, replay it as many times as you can and leave it on in the background. – Ad revenue will be donated to bail funds, family funerals, advocacy groups. To maximize contribution, play through all of the ads.
Bay Area Action Tool Kit – Includes resources for Bay Area/Oakland and tools for advancing BLM causes compiled by UCB students.
Reclaim the Block Digital ToolKit – Includes resources for advancing efforts to reinvest/redistribute Minneapolis city budget to communities of color
Petitions to Sign (90+) – Includes various petitions to advance BLM causes.
Petitions, Threads, Donation Sites, Protest, Education – Includes various petitions, donation sites, and sources for further learning to advance BLM causes. Updated daily.
Letter to Support BLM in California [Template] – For emailing your state and local representatives. Find contact information for your elected officials here.
How to help Black Lives Matter: 9 things you can do for the George Floyd Protests right now
Open Source Researchers of Color Guide to On/Offline Protestor Privacy – This comprehensive guide provides “effective ways of protecting one’s privacy [on/offline] while defending the right to peacefully assemble and protest.” Other sources for on/offline safety include 1) Protest Assistance Sheet 2) How to reduce cybersecurity risks when attending protests.
Justice in June Resource Sheet – Provides a daily learning schedule and ample sources for being an active ally to the black community. Includes videos, literature recommendations, sources to become a better ally, and more petitions.
Places to Donate: To the Protestors
Places to Donate: To Black-Owned Businesses
Places to Donate: To Organizations